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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Complaints About Club Z Tutoring

Complaints About Club Z TutoringMy children have had a couple of complaints about Club Z Tutoring. The main one was about the refusal to show them how to use their computer properly. It's a simple as that, but I want to be clear about what happened and why this happened. This is part of my story and it's meant to explain the problems that people have had with me.I was very disappointed to find out that they didn't understand how to use their computer correctly. They couldn't print any emails or download anything from the internet. I called the company and explained my situation. They admitted that they would do nothing more than to hand me a paper work and tell me to check out the membership. This was very disappointing for me because I was told that I would get training very soon.However, when I did call back they only gave me an estimate and I was not given a full refund for the use of their tutoring services. I believe this was because I had complained about some of the things tha t I did not like and this is why they were not happy with me. I will never get my money back but if you are ever in this situation I would advise you to ignore all the calls to the company and to not pay them the money.Once I made my complaint they had tried everything short term like running a referral service where I could have continued to use their tutoring services and it still wouldn't have worked. The tutors were not up to date on how to help me use my computer properly so I would have been better off spending my money somewhere else.All the company did was to tell me that they would try harder to get me to renew my membership. Although they did promise me that they would give me a refund. So, I'm not really sure why I should want a refund when I could have saved my money by using other tutoring services.I have heard all the complaints about Club Z Tutoring and I still like this type of service. If they would make it possible for parents to have the benefit of these tutoring services, I think that they would be happier people. I just don't see the problem with not being able to send email, print an email or download a file.So, please think about the complaints about Club Z Tutoring and decide whether or not they are justified. I think that there will be more complaints about them when they introduce other types of tutoring services.

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