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The Advantages Of Using An Online Chemistry CourseCXM Chemistry Tutor Online gives the student a chance to excel in the study of chemistry. ...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Online Volume of Square Pyramid Tutors

Online Volume of Square Pyramid Tutors A pyramid is a 3-dimensional solid geometric figure consisting of a base, andtriangles are placed on each side of this base. A square pyramid is a pyramid whose base is a square and it consists of 4 triangles placed on the base. The line joining the center of the base to the tip of the pyramid is known as the height of the pyramid. Volume of a square pyramid is the measure of the space contained inside the pyramid and can be calculated using its volume formula. Example 1: Find the volume of a square pyramid whose base length is 2m and the height is 6m? Given base length of the pyramid, b = 2m Height of the pyramid, h = 6m Volume of the pyramid, V = 1/3 * Area of the base * height Area of the square base = b2 = (2m)2 = 4m2 Volume of the square pyramid, V = 1/3 * 4m 2 * 6m = 8m3 Therefore, volume of the given square pyramid, V = 8m3 Example 2: Find the volume of a square pyramid whose base length is 10cm and the height is 15cm? Given base length of the pyramid, b = 10cm Height of the pyramid, h = 15cm Volume of the pyramid, V = 1/3 * Area of the base * height Area of the square base = b2 = (10cm)2 = 100cm2 Volume of the square pyramid, V = 1/3 * 100cm 2 *15cm = 500cm3 Therefore, volume of the given square pyramid, V = 500cm3

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